#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../gluten.h" #include "../../actions.h" struct args_write_file { char *file; char *t; ssize_t size; }; static void write_file(char *file, char *t, ssize_t size) { ssize_t n; int fd; fd = open(file, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IWUSR |S_IRUSR); ck_assert_int_ge(fd, -1); n = write(fd,t, size); close(fd); } static int write_file_get_fd(char *file, char *t, ssize_t size) { int fd; write_file(file, t, size); fd = open(file, O_RDONLY, S_IWUSR); unlink(file); return fd; }; static int write_file_clone(void *a) { struct args_write_file *args = (struct args_write_file *)a; write_file(args->file, args->t, args->size); pause(); return 0; } static pid_t create_func_ns(int (*fn)(void *), void *arg, struct ns_spec ns[]) { char stack[STACK_SIZE]; pid_t child; int flags = SIGCHLD; unsigned int i; for (i=0; i < sizeof(sizeof(enum ns_type)); i++) { if (ns[i].type == NS_NONE) continue; switch(i){ case NS_CGROUP: flags |= CLONE_NEWCGROUP; break; case NS_IPC: flags |= CLONE_NEWIPC; break; case NS_NET: flags |= CLONE_NEWNET; break; case NS_MOUNT: flags |= CLONE_NEWNS; break; case NS_PID: flags |= CLONE_NEWPID; break; case NS_USER: flags |= CLONE_NEWUSER; break; case NS_UTS: flags |= CLONE_NEWUTS; break; case NS_TIME: fprintf(stderr, "option NS_TIME not suppoted by clone\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized option %d\n", i); } } child = clone(fn, stack + sizeof(stack), flags, arg); if (child == -1) { perror("clone"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return child; } START_TEST(test_with_open_read_ns) { char test_file[] = "/tmp/test.txt"; char t[PATH_MAX] = "Hello Test"; struct args_write_file args = { test_file, t, sizeof(t)}; struct ns_spec ns[NS_NUM]; struct act_call call; int flags = O_RDWR; struct arg_clone c; char buf[PATH_MAX]; unsigned i; long count; ssize_t n; pid_t pid; int ret; c.args = &call; count = sizeof(buf); for(i = 0; i < sizeof(enum ns_type); i++) call.context.ns[i].type = NS_NONE; call.context.ns[NS_MOUNT].type = NS_SPEC_PID; pid = create_func_ns(write_file_clone, (void *)&args, call.context.ns); call.context.ns[NS_MOUNT].pid = pid; call.nr = SYS_open; call.args[0] = (void *)&test_file; call.args[1] = (void *)(long)flags; ret = do_call(&c); ck_assert_int_eq(ret, 0); ck_assert_msg(c.ret >= 0, "expect ret %ld should be nonegative", c.ret); call.nr = SYS_read; call.args[0] = (void *)(long) c.ret; call.args[1] = (void *)&buf; call.args[2] = (void *)count; ret = do_call(&c); kill(pid, SIGCONT); ck_assert_int_eq(ret, 0); ck_assert_msg(c.ret == count, "expect ret %ld to be %ld",c.ret, count); ck_assert_str_eq(t, buf); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_with_read) { char test_file[] = "/tmp/test.txt"; char t[PATH_MAX] = "Hello Test"; struct act_call call; struct arg_clone c; char buf[PATH_MAX]; unsigned i; long count; ssize_t n; int fd, ret; c.args = &call; fd = write_file_get_fd(test_file, t, sizeof(t)); count = sizeof(buf); for(i = 0; i < sizeof(enum ns_type); i++) call.context.ns[i].type = NS_NONE; call.nr = SYS_read; call.args[0] = (void *)(long) fd; call.args[1] = (void *)&buf; call.args[2] = (void *)count; ret = do_call(&c); ck_assert_int_eq(ret, 0); ck_assert_msg(c.ret == count, "expect ret %ld to be %ld", c.ret, count); ck_assert_str_eq(t, buf); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_with_getppid) { struct act_call call; struct arg_clone c; char buf[PATH_MAX]; unsigned i; long pid = (long) getpid(); int ret; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(enum ns_type); i++) call.context.ns[i].type = NS_NONE; call.nr = SYS_getppid; c.args = &call; ret = do_call(&c); ck_assert_int_eq(ret, 0); ck_assert_msg(c.ret == pid, "expect ret %ld to be equal to %ld", c.ret, pid); } END_TEST Suite *action_call_suite(void) { Suite *s; TCase *tactions; s = suite_create("Perform actions call"); tactions = tcase_create("action calls"); tcase_add_test(tactions, test_with_getppid); tcase_add_test(tactions, test_with_read); tcase_add_test(tactions,test_with_open_read_ns); suite_add_tcase(s, tactions); return s; } int main(void) { int no_failed = 0; Suite *s; SRunner *runner; s = action_call_suite(); runner = srunner_create(s); srunner_run_all(runner, CK_VERBOSE); no_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(runner); srunner_free(runner); return (no_failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }